ck2 culture names

Fortunately, generic ones are always a solid backup choice. You'll get less severe penalties that way. Holy War (which helpfully refuses to vassalize infidels unless the attacker is Muslim), Most CBs that target all land within a de jure title, Major revolts (Heretic Revolt, Religious Revolt, Liberation Revolt, Rise of the Shia Caliphate, Decadence Invasion), All claim wars set it on the claimed title(s), using the attacker's culture, Crusades, using the winner's culture (often the most participating attacker). Try to have a single county per character. Independent dukes are called petty kings. Every county has a culture at the start of the campaign, and this culture can be changed over time. Changing culture of the land itself in not an easy process and the penalty of not matching the culture of the lands you hold (less levies, less taxes, no access to cultural buildings) often outweighs the advantages of a different culture. Table View Card View. It is acceptable to copy existing .csvs into your mod's localisation folder, and then clear it of data and rename it, rather than creating new ones from scratch. Please ask if you have any questions about the script or the data below. Male names are “MaleName1”, “MaleName2”, “MaleName3”, “Male Name 1”, “Male Name 2” and “Male Name 3”, female and dynasty names follow the same pattern. The base mean time to happen for the event is 40 years. Cultural diff… Cultures are divided into culture groups, and cultures are considered closer to others within their group than to cultures outside it. Bereits ab 13,90 € Große Shopvielfalt Testberichte & Meinungen | Jetzt Calvin Klein CK2 Eau de Toilette günstig kaufen bei Cultural heads can choose an innovation to be a cultural fascination, which will improve its discovery progress by +20%, with an additional +2% per cultural head learning skill. Same religion gives additional +1), Blind prisoners to reduce their health and whomp them in. English is formed if a Norman ruler owns an Anglo-Saxon province in the region of England after 1100. Arabic Names. Can castrate or blind prisoners via decision. Culture groups are more widespread than a specific culture, but while they have a place in the world, they don't … This is prevented if top liege is Norse emperor or multi-king or if religious head is Norse. Apparently, when someone spawns in a courtier of one of the new cultures and makes them landed, the only dynasty name available is 'Smith'. Every county in the game has a culture representing the major culture there. This has many uses! Beachten Sie, dass die Kultur Namen und-Bezeichner nur eine Teilmenge der Kulturen darstellen, die auf einem bestimmten Computer gefunden werden können. German Smiths, Iberian Smiths, Russian … Currently realms are named according to the culture of the first character that you select when you start a game. For example, a Norman conquest of England might set England's conquest culture to Norman, reducing native vassals' opinion of Norman lieges (-30 Foreign Conquerer). When I created the empire it became "Prydain" which is the welsh name for Britannia, and I was wondering if there were other neat things like that in the game. The conquest culture flag, which is conferred upon invading a province with the right CB as seen above, finally provides a 0.75 modifier, putting the final optimal MTTH to 5.9381 years. Poor pursuit though. If both of the above bonuses are applicable to the same type of unit, the 2 different bonuses can stack on retinues in the realm capital -- even if the cultures triggering the bonuses are different. VNA-CK2 Verba Non Acta - A CK2 Mod Features Ultimate aim of this mod is to add cultural titles to all of the cultures. Converts to Russian if owner is not an unreformed pagan, not East Slavic or Finno Ugric, or is already Russian. Type the name of a decision, or a decision ID, into the search box below to search all 532 decision IDs. Now with all the DLC the county names are gaelic like Baile Átha Cliath and I find them hard to remember! raw download ... # Chance of male children being named after their paternal or maternal grandfather, or their father. CK2 Title IDs CK2 Trait IDs CK2 Artifact IDs CK2 Culture IDs CK2 Decision IDs CK2 Nickname IDs CK2 Religion IDs CK2 Society IDs. Tribal rulers can send their steward to Settle Tribe in demesne provinces for cultural conversion, the base MTTH for the conversion is 50 years. Cultures determine generated dynasty names and (along with religion) given names. CK2 all cultures. CK2 Title IDs CK2 Trait IDs CK2 Artifact IDs CK2 Culture IDs CK2 Decision IDs CK2 Nickname IDs CK2 Religion IDs CK2 Society IDs. Some cultures also unlock special events, decisions, government types or succession and gender laws. "event 55001 " - Brings in settlers. A person can only have one educational trait (traits 1 - 20), and gets this upon their coming of age (age 16). (3) Finally, there's a third type of culture impact that can improve combat performance: there are specific tactics that can be triggered based on the composition of the flank AND the culture of flank commander. Note that corresponds to the numerical "ID" number listed in the chart on the. There's a lot more to retinues than unit's base strength and numbers, and most retinues that look strong at first glance reveal themselves to be shamefully inefficient once troop composition and flank tactics are taken into account. For people who wish to work on cross-linking name lists, there exists a modding tool called CK2-Cultures-Parser. Norse does not suffer 'foreigner' penalties with its child cultures. Radhanite Quarter available for Silk Road Trade Posts. Remember that the culture names and identifiers represent only a subset of cultures that can be found on a particular computer. This is true even if you were to decide to change cultures to a local one that does not name their realms according to their house, say Greek culture … There are special events allowing some cultures to give rise to new ones, and allowing these new cultures to spread quickly within the old ones. Central Germanic Names. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), More details, guidelines, sources and credits, Graphical culture generally has no direct effect on gameplay, but can help you determine who is a "hidden cuckoo bastard". Feudal and republican rulers get no penalties if they hold tribes in same-culture provinces. Province Name Title ID; Vestisland (Norway) c_vestisland: Austisland (Norway) c_austisland: Tyrconnell (Ireland) c_tyrconnell: Tyrone (Ireland) c_tyrone: Ulster (Ireland) c_ulster: Blekinge (Denmark) c_blekinge: Oriel (Ireland) c_oriel: Breifne (Ireland) c_breifne: Connacht (Ireland) c_connacht: Kildare (Ireland) c_kildare: Dublin (Ireland) c_dublin: Ossory (Ireland) c_ossory Primary culture group of one of the largest de jure empires. Mongol, Khitan and Jurchen (Horde cultures) are restricted to Agnatic succession. Texan culture is the more American remnant of the culture clash across the Rio Grande, and … What am I missing that is causing the accented E in Epeiros (Epirus) to show as a '?'. Provinces can flip back to Norse after 1150. At game start, most realms will be relatively homogenous, with few realms containing more than one culture, and even fewer containing more than one culture group. 1 Requirements 2 Modifiers 2.1 Religion 2.2 Province Improvements 2.3 Province Tech modifierss 2.4 Province Effect modifierss 2.5 Law effects 2.6 Ruler Traits 2.7 Power Distribution 2.8 Terrain modifiers 2.9 Prestige modifiers 2.10 Miscellaneous modifiers 2.11 Stability Both provinces … The province must be the ruler's crown focus province. Dutch culture is formed by event from Frankish, Frisian, or Saxon provinces in the duchies of Holland, Gelre, Brabent, and Flanders. Go to Releases, v21.025, and download the CK2HIP version and put the downloaded zip file in the mods directory. Which, depending on circumstance, could be a boon or a curse. Claim wars and invasions can set a hidden conquest culture on a conquered title of county rank or higher. © Valve Corporation. They'll rapidly change the culture to their own, getting rid of the revolt risk. Either type of mutilation makes AI unwilling to support them as. Independent dukes are called petty kings. This also ensures that your vassals are weakened, and unlikely to challenge your rule. Only Norse can raid if religion and government type do not allow raiding. Some cultures name realms after dynasties. (I know if Norway takes over England the name changes there too.) Some types of wars set a "conquest culture", allowing conversion to that culture even if there are no adjacent provinces of that culture. As you can see, a culture change happens about 50% of the time if the guardian has no traits modifying the chance, as a child generally has a guardian for 10 years. Doing so also converts the province's religion and removes the nomad agitation modifier, if relevant. Norse splits into several cultures starting in 950. North Germanic Names. Two of four the best retinues (or compositions) available. If a guardian owns land or has the same culture as his liege, he has a decent chance to change his ward's culture. Celtic Names. CK2 Blog. There are unit types, and there are 2 types of cultural bonuses that can apply to unit types: (1) Cultural retinue bonus that applies to specific retinue armies when raised, which is based on ruler's culture at the time the retinue are raised. Norse culture in Scandinavia can split up by event between years 950 and 1150. Within the same realm, characters have -10 opinion towards characters of other cultures, and -20 across culture groups (reduced by Tolerance Technology). Some non-vanilla names whenever you want to name your child. They are MUCH more common in 769, however. However, as a realm expands, it will inevitably encounter other cultures and culture groups, which will give various penalties, both permanent and temporary. Decision Name Decision ID; Convert to Liege's Religion: convert_to_liege_religion: Convert Religion: … (Doubled if the ruler is not independent) The optimal MTTH of the event is 13.9471 years. Shy or slothful guardian - 240 months. Culture names follow the standard defined by BCP 47. They are notably stronger in deserts, but aside from that they don't seem to care much where they fight - be it a mountain defence or a straight crossing attack, they always give the same results. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 3.0. Within the same realm, characters have -10 opinion towards characters of other cultures, and -20 across culture groups (reduced by Tolerance Technology). Mongols can use Ultimogeniture even without following an organized religion. Prioritize same culture-group over different culture groups. (Independent ruler with 18+ stewardship, 18+ learning, Smart , Diligent , Architect or Administrator or Scholar or Gardener , and at least a level 3 education trait on stewardship, diplomacy, or learning). Jousting Lists cultural building adds heavy cavalry to levies immediately, whereas Stables IV requires Castle Infrastructure IV. Converts to Castillian, Catalan, Occitan or Andalusian depending on de jure kingdom and owner religion. A random culture and pagan religion is formed (as in completely random, using all the parameters available for religions and cultures in CK2, as well as forming a unique language used to name characters, provinces, kingdoms, gods, religions. Most cultures unlock cultural retinues and cultural buildings in castles, resulting in different army composition. Members of the Stoic Intelligentsia (the monastic order for Hellenics) may convert a county's culture by spending devotion. Culture and names list was kind of the main thing that annoyed me about CK2. The Age the character … Created by events if Norman ruler controls Anglo-Saxon province in the region of England after year 1100. In CK3 now they have added the option for religious names … Can also use "Restore Byzantium" decision. Note: the order is the one from 00_cultures.txt, Seafaring - receives 90% discount to raised ship levies. Graphical bears and dragons can always eat prisoners, with fewer penalties compared to other characters. Die verfügbaren Kulturen … Graphical horses can also receive a random event where they follow a prophecy to climb a mountain, potentially giving them a powerful permanent modifier or artifact. Retinues are listed here if they are better than the mix of defence and shock for dealing with mixed levies. I apreciate all the help I could get. Basically name is 'the March/Mark of the Danes', which is the boundary of the Danes (because the Danes came from the interior of the Halland area, and deeper, in current day Sweden). For example, if you were to start as the Seljuks (who are part of the Turkic group and thus name their realms according to their house name), your primary title will always be called the "Seljuk (duchy, kingdom, empire, etc.). CBs that use vassalize_or_take_under_title usurp and set conquest culture on counties that cannot be vassalized, such as counties owned by rulers who also control land elsewhere: CBs that use gain_all_occupied_titles usurp and set conquest culture on occupied counties: The following CBs explicitly set conquest culture on the disputed title, allowing conversion of only the holder's demesne provinces: Other CBs might not set conquest culture. Ruler flipping stops if the top liege is Norse and controls Uppland (Sweden), Akershus (Norway), and Sjaelland (Denmark). Can eat prisoners (graphical culture only) without incurring a "Crazy Cannibal" penalty modifier, +1 monthly grace (if same culture as Chinese emperor. So if you want to change the culture of your child, you should assign a guardian of the desired culture, in a court with a ruler of the desired culture, who has the diligent and/or gregarious trait. is the number one paste tool since 2002. I recently created several mods that add in new cultures to the game (German Realms, More Cultures, etc) and I have hit a snag that I didn't realize. Is it possible to go back to the old names? Frankish, Saxon or Frisian provinces in de jure Frisia flip to Dutch, Created by event if Norse ruler controls Frankish, Occitan or Breton province.

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