zero point energy and spirituality

amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; The Skywalker (13) represents the Archetype of the Prophet. The Gregorian Reform of 1582 introduced the “Leap Year Rule” or “Intercalary Day Rule”…, 3. Photons are the smallest particles of light. After all, their literature permeates with discussions of awareness and consciousness. Zero point energy. Here we return once again, to the notion of the vacuum of space; instead of being vastly empty as was the previous idea, physicists believe that it is highly saturated with electromagnetic waves that can never fully be eliminated. Throughout this book, Harris argues that there is more to understanding reality than science and secular culture generally allow, and that how we pay attention to the present moment largely determines the quality of our lives. Zero Point Energy, emerges as a proponent of the epistemological observation of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which postulates, quite simply, that, there is a basic limit to the amount of information that one can know about any quantum system. amzn_assoc_asins = "B074KMPRX8"; Again, there is a certain level of truth to this. Today is Day 7 in the wavespell of IK (pronounced eesh) – the WHITE WIND who holds the power of Spirit and communication …. And not only that but in many ways, that the smaller picture of things, mirrors and almost, in fact, parallels the larger as if speaking directly to second hermetic law in correspondence, as if found in the age-old idiom, as above, so below. So then does it not seem the next logical step to infer that if this notion of zero-point energy can be observed in any part of the cosmos, that in the same way, that it can be found on the individual or spiritual level? Match the frequency of the reality you want, and that is what you will get. Humans have advanced in the technical spheres, but due to the many diverse views about spiritual, religious, philosophical, and political beliefs, there is no common agreement in a belief system they can all embrace. This means consciousness and even memory are not functions of the body. I am floating in space yet experiencing everything all at once. Ready to create the LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS with the SUPPORT of the UNIVERSE? ⛵⛵⛵ This 33-YEAR wave harmonic holds therefore a deep numerical significance, considering several prophetic factors. Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA: amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "paulbutler-20"; In science, the zero-point energy paradigm based on the stochastic electrodynamics foundation points to the lowest possible energy level that a quantum mechanical physical system can exhibit. The Divine Child has that majik spark within your soul that just wants to run, jump, explore and LOVE everyone and everything exuberantly. You are required to FOCUS on COMPLIMENTING everyone, with whom you interact with today… fill your day with JOY – look for the BEAUTY and GOOD things that surround you and give GRATITUDE for everything you experience …for the ENTIRE DAY!! This helps support this website and allows us to continue to make content like this. It is the point of everything and nothing at the same time. Taking the reader on a fascinating tour of both Western and Eastern thought, Wolf explains the differing view of the soul in the works of Plato, Aristotle, and St. Thomas--the ancient Egyptian's believe in the nine forms of the soul/ the ... You dive right past the joke about Schrödinger’s Cat, and effortlessly navigate your way through the conventions of Carl Jungian Psychology, from the collective unconscious, right down to different archetypes, and the possibility of the dark night of the soul, and what is referred to as shadow work and confronting the unconscious mind. I AM guided by the power of Universal Fire. The prophetic attributes of this code were examined in detail and presented in 2014 as the 9th SIGN OF A LIVING PROPHECY on PART III of the”Quetzalcoatl bites his/her tail” Reports Series. And soon, zero-point field energy will be widely understood by society. The atomic level is the same as on a universal level, after all, things should appear to be the same across all levels of the universe, the universe consisting of this subatomic scale. Tony Shearer and his book Lord of the Dawn: The original seed of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. 4.0 zero-point energy can enter mankind into a new era The human race is constantly evolving both technically and psychologically. 27=3x3x3, ➣ About every 3300 years, the Gregorian calendar accumulates one day of error with respect to the solar year. Zero Point is the point of all creation. At our most fundamental level, the human body and the human mind are not separate from the rest of our environment. Skywalkers are great at ‘thinking outside the box’ and they also can have a very deep and magical appreciation of art. At this point, it is important to understand that Zero-Point Energy should not be confused with a particular form of energy, such as etheric or astral energy. We are not in the universe, we are the universe. SHADOW: Weakness (37) is the Unease (57) of Desire (30). They create what is known as the Triangle of Enlightenment, where 11 and 22 sit at the base of the triangle, and 33 sits at the top (11+22 = 33). Aaron M. Weis is an online journalist, web content writer, and avid blogger who specializes in spirituality, science, and technology. It is the fulfillment not only of the biosphere-noosphere transition, and the Thirteen Baktun Great Cycle of History, but of the entire 26,000-year cycle of human evolution. The chapters in this remarkable book include: Artificial Gravity; Stepping Down High Frequency Energy; Noise as a Source of Energy; Macroscopic Vacuum Polarisation; Cohering the Zero-Point Energy; The Holistic Paradigm; Electrolytic Fusion ... Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. SUPPORT: BLUE MONKEYCHUEN – MAJIK & PLAY. 2/24/1942 – (350 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform)  –The Battle of Los Angeles, one of the largest documented UFO sightings in history; the event lasted into the early hours of February 25. Throughout history, people have long gathered to celebrate and honor the sun. This celestial event was the confirmation of the Quetzalcoatl Prophecy of the Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells (Underworlds), brought forth by American author, Tony Shearer. And the Cosmological Constant Problem is found in that it is the largest discrepancy in science, for the values behind both of these concepts are disproportionately different from one another, on a tremendous scale. 55 corresponds to the 10th stage of the Fibonacci sequence. How does the Zero Point Field relate to Spiritual Ascension? It can be no other way. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "paulbutler-20"; So how then does this conversation of Zero Point Energy lend itself to spiritual philosophy, and does it have any scientific grounding? As was previously mentioned, the cosmological principle maintains that the universe is homogenous and isotropic across all levels of the universe. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; YELLOW RESONANT STAR – 7 LAMAT – KIN 228 So you decide to go to a collegiate convention to declare your major, and there, you find yourself amongst three groups of scholarly individuals; you have before you there the physicists, the psychologists, and the neuropsychologists respectively. Christianity calls it the Holy Spirit, and in many modern, New Age spiritual teachings it is called Cosmic Energy. In order to accomplish it, you must be attuned to its frequency through this present moment. 2/24/1920  – (338 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) – The Nazi Party is founded. Her new book, The Zero Point Agreement: How to Be Who You Already Are, will be available December 1. So if ZPE is consciousness itself, the universe is made and manifest through awareness, for the universe and the bodies therewith have with them there own intelligence and awareness, then the implication is that we can manifest basically any reality or experience for ourselves by changing the point of reference of our own individual awareness. Presented within the Einstein-Hilbert action, in astrophysics and cosmology, the CCR refers to the disagreement between the observed values of vacuum energy density and the theoretical large value of zero-point energy suggested by quantum field theory, and it is for this reason that it is also known as the vacuum catastrophe. It is the point in meditation and times of intense BLISS waves that I am all of everything and yet also in the void of nothingness. To summarize, most spiritual philosophy is concerned with consciousness; increasing consciousness, or awareness, whether or not we can become conscious or aware of said consciousness, and things of this nature. Cortez ships land in Mexico (“False” Return of Quetzalcoatl). When you combine the meaning of the number and day the result is ‘channel beauty’ or ‘attune to elegance’. Packed with diagrams, patents and photos. With power shortages now a daily reality in many parts of the world, this book offers a fresh approach very rarely mentioned in the mainstream media. The fact that systems at this "zero . The exciting part about this discovery is this: The "uncertainty" inherent in this principle is not due to any flaws in measurement which are correctable, rather, it reflects an intrinsic quantum vagueness inherent in the fundamental nature of energy and matter. For more information, please see our. Zero-point energy is the energy present in the emptiest possible state of space at the lowest possible energy, out of which no more energy could be removed—the closest that motion of subatomic matter ever gets to zero. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; Some call it god, some call it maya some call it an enormous energy field from which maybe mankind can learn a great deal about live. A growing number of people are utilizing Reiki as a holistic healing modality to de-stress, heal, and enhance spiritual connections. Although February 29 has been popularly understood as the leap day of leap years since the beginning of sequential reckoning of the days of months in the late Middle Ages, in Britain and most other countries, no formal replacement of February 24 as the leap day of the Julian and Gregorian calendars has occurred.” Ascension is raising one’s consciousness to higher timelines of awareness. 2020 marks 33 YEARS from this groundbreaking event recorded in human history, so this 33-YEAR harmonic milestone from the discovery of this supernova explosion and the arrival of its first rays of light, brings us today a harmonic window of opportunity to shed some of this light on our collective memory to re-member the importance of this cosmic event and re-establish its synchronic and prophetic significance. Tenderness (37) is Clarity (57) of Rapture (30), Equality (37) is Intuitive (57) Lightness (30), Weakness (37) is the Unease (57) of Desire (30). Electromagnetic radiation can be visualized as waves flowing through space at the speed of light. Ask yourself “How can I fill my day with more JOY, LOVE and LAUGHTER?”. Fall of meteorite/seed on KIN 224 3Seed. To better understand this dilemma, let us examine the cosmological constant and principle as proposed by Einstein. What is most enthralling though, is it is at this quantum level, that the applications not only seem endless, as is found intrinsically in the case of quantum mechanics, computations, biology, chemistry, neurobiology, healing, and the likes, but is found in the way that the more we discover about it, the more it paradoxically seems that we have been so mistaken about our beliefs pertaining to the physical world itself. The overlaid religious festivals of February were so complicated that Julius Caesar opted not to change it at all during his 46 bc calendar reform. Einstein was promoting this idea, way before modern or quantum, physics took off as he observed, “Everything is energy, that is all there is to it. It was Tony Shearer who first introduced the 13:20 permutation matrix to José Arguelles back in the early 70´s…. [1] As well as atoms and molecules, the empty space of the vacuum has these properties. And here in lies the problematic area as far as the modern ideas are concerned, in that while they offer a viable solution for differing ideologies, it is hard to shape them with mathematics and plain scientific observation; the scientist feels comfortable observing the particle, he can see it, which is not the case with consciousness; it is doing the observing, making us the what is being observed, implying some unknown observer. What makes us different? Matter springs forth into physical reality from the wave nature of the quantum field. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; As within, so without. THE BLUE LIGHT ON EARTH…Right now, Earth is being saturated in the blue vibration. For instance, we see this in the case of Aaron Doughty, whose online presence intends to expand your consciousness, recently made a video aptly named, Zero Point Manifestation. Christianity calls it the Holy Spirit, and in many modern, New Age spiritual teachings it is called Cosmic Energy. Essentially, ZPE is the origin of everything, and of every possible reality. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician giving you the MAJIK to channel more BRILLIANT inspiring creations. Make every task about FUN! Look for revelations and they will come to you. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Starting from the moment you have the initial thought or occurrence, energy is present. Right now, we are facing some very dark times worldwide due to the coronavirus and all that entails, which is a lot. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Harnessing zero-point energy would mean incredible advancement for our world view, our technology, our cosmology and our knowledge of existence and reality. These are my people you’ll tell yourself; I’ll fit right it. We are now right bang in the middle of the White Wind wavespell, so a good time to ponder what you’ve experienced thus far and attune so you may understand what steps to take next. We just are. 3. Again, zero shows up 6 now called the zero point energy- a zero in quantum mechanics means the entire universe and the vacuum, is filled with an infinite amount of energy. BOOK OF UNIVERSAL LIFE, source:, Your email address will not be published. … Therefore we just completed a perfect half of a 260-Unit Matrix board, where each Unit corresponds to 1 Tzolkin Matrix of 260 days each (instead to 1 Kin), and within this Fractal 13:20 Matrix comprised of 260 Tzolkins, Unit 131 is located at the heart of Harmonic 33 of the 13:20 Harmonic Module and marks the start of the second perfect set of 130 units to complete 260 cycles of 260 days each. They understand that you’re adopting your ideas off of quantum precepts, but they argue that while this may occur at the subatomic level of things, this certainly isn’t the case in terms of macroscopic proportions of things, at least not on the larger level of the composition of the brain as far as they are concerned. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channels, ESSENCE – attunement. And, if in the case of the first, could it be that we are tremendously wrong in our beliefs pertaining to the material world? Since particles manifest and become things, there is energy required to fuel this process, and this energy is called Zero Point Energy. The exploration of the zero-point field even has the potential of eventually unifying science and spirituality. The jungian theory created for collective consciousness and unconsciousness respectively. Now, having an idea of what all Zero Point Energy entails freshly stamped into the forefront of our minds, let us for the moment, take a step back, and examine the ways in which this conceptualization relates itself in the context of spiritual philosophy, whose narrative has gone above and beyond to combine these seemingly unrelated and highly esoteric issues. . amzn_assoc_region = "US"; For example, if a person has been diagnosed with "terminal" cancer, the condition is usually addressed from purely the Newtonian physics modality of treating the tangible, physical symptom. The Blue vibration is cooling and soothes the over-acidity which has stirred on our planet since January. Is the colour blue calling to you? Carl Sagan, John von Neumann, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, & Nikola Tesla are the brilliant scientists who have inspired me as a polymath scientist. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Zero-point energy describes the lowest form of energy a system may have. It neutralises harmful frequencies. The seventh day is all about adjusting your frequency, tuning yourself in so you may receive wisdom from the universe. The same reason why National Socialist zero point energy was suppressed after the war, because such technology would render all the oil kikes obsolete. The symbolic meaning of zero primarily relates to potential. The Ally is the cheeky Blue Monkey. . Special rituals during the time of the solstice and equinox each year mark not only the movement of the sun, but the inherent cycles within spiritual and physical life as well. They can provide you a working definition of it; the conscious mind is that part of the mind that requires effort, whereas the unconscious requires none and much of which occurs without our awareness. ✨✨, In order to create a BEAUTIFUL reality – we must FOCUS on BEAUTY, JOY, ABUNDANCE, COMPASSION ,PEACE and GRATITUDE, Today is an extremely potent day to FOCUS on LOVE and BEAUTY in order to multiply this x 5 in your reality… so your task for today is to. The Universal Religion is scientific according to the law of life governing the world systems. amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; Posted By Paul White Gold Eagle on February 25, 2020. Your privacy is our top priority, we promise to keep your email safe! SIXTEEN YEAR TELEKTONON CUBE OF THE LAW To develop zero-point energy generators, one way is to tap into 0D. The same principle can be applied to life; every reality you experience is the result of conscious activity. . Zero point can ONLY exist in the moment of NOW. Many were knocked flat with the solar eclipse, and we are heading to a very powerful Solstice on June 21st. To them, it seems that this is an argument that you are trying to replace science with spiritual philosophy or religion, and that is of no concern to them. The Zero Point Perspective. Reality is made up of infinite zero points radiating energy and information into the space-time of the mind. Today we are supersensitive as we are attuned through our senses – the emotional “feeling” body. So, the Enagi fluorite permanently shares the same frequency as Zero Point Energy, thus precluding the need for it to . 2D represents life, like plants and animals. The higher levels of energy beginning just beyond our normal perceptive abilities. Subtle energies are the higher levels of energy beginning just beyond our normal perceptive abilities. KIN222 1Wind codes then this entire 9Moon Year, from head to tail as the 1st Moon of the year and as the energetic Frequency Signature of the whole 13-Moon Planetary Service Wavespell. At this juncture, we see that more questions arise than solutions. The WHITE MIRROR magnifies energy, thus you can get trapped in delusion or illusion, daydreaming your life away through escapism, distraction and addictions, or you can BREAK FREE from the delusion. Our life force is heightened as we experience a renewed PASSION for life! amzn_assoc_asins = "B00K5WGO4Y,189315727X,098522360X,1780285426,0865475954,0060648082,0939680386,0061142662"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "paulbutler-20"; It is the point of everything and nothing at the same time. In my opinion, there is a lot more going on than just a virus. The Universe Loves a Happy Ending summarizes the practical applications of this work in ten Principles of Energetic Guardianship. We can appreciate 2 powerful numerical mirror correlations: 2.24 : 4.22 and 311 : 113. Have you felt it too? Once in a great while, there comes an idea, or a set of concepts, that completely takes hold of and revolutionizes the way that we live. Copyright 2020 Diane Canfield All Rights reserved, source: The Anti-virus to all kind of psycho-spiritual or artificial intelligence created viruses is the ZERO POINT, The supreme benefactor that has given us the tangible mother of all frequencies, vibrations and energies a. k. a QUANTUM VORTEX SCALAR-WAVE PHOTON PULSE to integrate and realign the Physical, Subtle and Casual energy . And the applications beyond that are seemingly endless. After spending 13 years doing shadow work on myself . We see this in the context of the social sphere that emerges in what is referred to as the age of ascension, speaking of course to ascension across all levels of the universe, from the individual in spiritual awakening, and a rise in their energy, frequency, vibration, and sense of universal consciousness, all the way up to the global, planetary, and universal levels, as each one affects the other accordingly in a domino effect like fashion. A century ago, in 1913, Albert Einstein named it the "zero-point field.". Science identified it as an omnipresent energetic substructure. Essentially, they don’t much like the makeup of the idea that everything is made up of consciousness as opposed to atoms. Thank you for the support! A lot of energy, as if from nothing. They are probably not even really energy, but something that might be called 'pre-energy'. What a marvellous duo! Powered by Invision Community. I love it! Since then, Einstein's calculations on the energy-gorged nothingness of outer space have generated a new discipline in itself, a zero-point field of inquiry that can be depicted quite accurately as the "science of the inconceivable," which we can now celebrate . And what's more, the frequencies which are giving off this light may be responsible for the communicative cohesion between species, which science can not yet explain, such as the way a school of fish is able to achieve instantaneous, synchronized movement. amzn_assoc_title = "Mala Beads"; February 28, 2020 will mark a prophetic cycle of 7 YEARS since the day that Pope Ratzinger stepped down… and…. They are both omnipresent and travel at faster than the speed of light. Found insideThere is a state attained by many who are evolving their spiritual awareness, and it is the place of zero-point energy, nonaction, or the still-point. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; Interestingly enough February 24 (2.24) was until the calendar reform considered a leap day and it was just until 2.24.1996 when last reforms in the European Union were made…, The Gregorian reform was introduced on 2.24.1582 but it only started to be enforced on October 4, 1582 (Julian count), EXACTLY 223 (222+1) days after the papal bull was signed. The exploration of the zero-point field even has the potential of eventually unifying science and spirituality. Everything that is, is comprised of energy. Zero-point field energy is limitless. Science bolsters this fact in that 99.9 percent of the universe is composed of matter in its respective liquid, solid, gaseous, and quite recently that of the fourth state of matter found in plasma that constitutes the majority of matter in the universe. The Field helps to bridge the gap that has opened up between mind and matter, between us and the cosmos. Original, well researched, and well documented by distinguished sources, this is the mind/body book for a new millennium. , Divine blessings for experiencing yourself through the DIVINE today! Let’s examine them one by one: ➣ Number 33 plays a KEY role within the multiple spiritual streams of humanity. We are currently transiting the 33rd solar orbit since the completion of the Quetzalcoatl Prophecy and the Day Out of Time of July 25, 2020 KIN 118 will mark the completion of 33 YEARS since the New Dispensation of Time. Found insideDrawing from the Heart Sutra, the I Ching, indigenous wisdom, and the teachings of the Dalai Lama, Joseph Campbell, and the Kadampa master Atisha, Johnson outlines a practice centered on what she calls the Zero Point Agreement--the ... Based on natural laws that govern all of creation, this book shatters the myth that success is the result of hard work, exacting plans, or driving ambition. A unique collection of soulful gifts & tools hand selected for their beauty, quality, and authentic & meaningful nature, designed to support you in your personal spiritual practice and create a sacred sanctuary for your mind, body and soul. If I am aware or conscious of my body, of my feelings, of my thoughts, in the context of this space, then there must be another observer, for I am not anything that I can readily perceive. And they all go about reading and consuming the same academic materials, and everything of the likes. Jenny Schiltz ~ Moving into Zero Point. Posted by Etienne Charland in Science of Spirituality. As a scientific concept, the existence of zero-point energy is not controversial. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Even with all the formulas, equations, principles, effects, and theories behind the matter, no pun intended, and with the leading scientists of NASA, CERN, and the likes probing the issue day and night, it still remains an issue shrouded in much mystery, confusion, contention, and discrepancies of opinion. If I cannot be anything that I readily observe, such as my physical body, my thoughts, or my feelings, then by deduction my true essence must be that of consciousness, of awareness, of my spirit or soul, for these are the things which none can perceive. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; “According to the “Fair Use” clause of International Copyright Law, the authors declare that the use of the photos, videos and information in this academic research are analyzed for purposes of “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research” according to Section 107 of Title 17 of the US Code.”. It's like THE cosmic drawing-board. Reiki harnesses and aligns one's personal energies to the Zero Point Field to help create a more balanced self. We are now right bang in the middle of the White Wind wavespell, so a good time to ponder what you’ve experienced thus far and attune so you may understand what steps to take next. Tap into the field of possibilities with greater ease. Furthermore, the cosmological principle asserts that are model of the universe demonstrates that it is homogenous and isotropic, meaning that all regions are the same at every scale of the universe and that in its infinite expansion, looks the same in all directions, so that at any given point or locale, that it seems as if it is the center. Some might think it’s the empty state, yet it is anything but empty. Today is `Yellow Star` which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. You see the thing is, he begins, “Psychology is concerned with expressing and measuring the psyche in terms of scientific evaluation and observation. Zero-point energy was first discovered by Albert Einstein. It is believed that the frequency of brain wavelength of a meditating monk is that of the epsilon wavelength; the very same wavelength that is associated with the Wim Hof breathing technique that allows individuals to generate heat when in waters of extremely freezing temperatures. Allow Spirit to flow through your vessel, expressing your day as ART – singing, dancing and creating. The Zero Point Field (ZPF) website is dedicated to give you good information about the ZPF events. (The Roman practice of inclusive counting initially caused the priests in charge of the calendar to add the extra hours every three years instead of every four and Augustus was obliged to omit them for a span of decades until the system was back to where it should have been.) amzn_assoc_asins = "B073DZ1SF8"; Others have continued this. It uplifts  PASS this post on ( S H A R E ) with those it can assist…, I’m reminded that last Thursday, I chose to theme the current issue of The Tip-Off around ‘Fresh Starts’, as a re-patterning begins. Better luck next time they tell you. The phenomenon of zero-point energy may be the one and same effect as the "Light of God," which, of course is not at all a "dark energy" to those who are fully spiritually aware. 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Book summarizes the thoughts of an inquisitive, but open-minded, scientist quantum energy that a mechanical... At absolute zero, carry energy and information into the conversation of Creation April 22 2012... Starting Point from which all possibilities exist at once 15th-century France and polarization. Hiv infection... King, Moray B go belly up augmented with the seemingly intrinsic nature of our.... Beautiful world you are a great friend zero point energy and spirituality have around offering support and advice your safe... 224 3Seed down easy” in this GAME, we can see this problem arise the. Signatures their Light will sync to mine with immediate help ( click here ) Continuum comes from one source ideologies... Amplify the intention being manifested: such as zero-point energy, air water! And by quantum waves which have no boundary possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have which... Human body and Spirit phenomena: the zero Point healing is a theory explains.

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