bitfocus companion vicreo

> blocked combination on windows. > Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub $2,500 - $7,000) Clear Sonic Drum Shields (approx. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. QLab 3 Show Control: Projects for Live Performances & Installations is a project-based book on QLab software covering sound, video, and show control. Companion both comes with a builtin stream deck emulator, a webpage for touch screens and the ability to trigger buttons via OSC, TCP, UDP, HTTP, WebSocket and ArtNet. I think this is a blocked combination on windows. We are unable to convert the task to an issue at this time. Copy and paste the URL of the online video for download. Reviews (0) Key : C - Delay 10ms. Is this platform dependent (windows . On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 2:02 PM Jeffrey Davidsz ***@***. It payments alone as This script should send a command to the other computer and trigger a script on this machine to control Powerpoint. The Chrome version was released in. the listener to execute a local file and I wrote a batch file to trigger There are some cases where some keyboard emulation tricks don't work. Category Bitfocus Companion Tags bitfocus, companion, vicreo, Voicemeeter. Thanks for testing. Available for macOS and Windows. > I've tested it. Guide on the Top Solution to DownloadHelper Not Working . Or a press release? I'll keep this issue open to collect data for more combinations. Tested the There are some cases where some keyboard Key : Ctrl - Up - Delay 20ms. Then click analyze to load the video details. Utilizando Macros No Voicemeeter Mod 07 Unidastream, Jamendo is usually a no cost music download Web page and an open Local community of music authors. At my laptop windows key + L also doesn't work. Bummer. > You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Home Bitfocus Companion Vociemeeter Remote App Resource Files. Found insideIn addition to the text, a companion website hosts project files, instructional videos, and more. I've tested it. Join the party! Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. Description. I'll keep this issue open to collect data for <, In case anyone else is interested, I figured out a workaround. the lock command for windows. Already on GitHub? If you feel that you're missing in this list, please let us know! > emulation tricks don't work. The Companion is open source, and will always need more thinkers, testers, developers and designers. 在广电设备日新月异的今天,许多设备都加入了网络控制功能或完全基于以太网控制。通过将设备连接到以太网,可以实现通过局域网控制设备。Bitfocus Companion是一个针对Elgato Stream Deck设计的通过以太网控制广电设备的工具软件。, Bitfocus Companion 作为一个中间件,可以控制许多广电设备(如切换台、调音台、视频矩阵、ptz相机、灯控等),也可以控制通用设备(如智能插座、电脑键盘鼠标、PLC等)。Companion的受控方式也很灵活,可以通过USB连接Stream Deck到安装Companion的电脑接受控制指令,也可以通过网页端让局域网中的其他电脑、手机、pad作为按键面板接受控制指令。有一定动手能力的也可以通过OSC、Web Socket通过集成第三方软件下发控制指令,通过Companion控制受控设备。, 本文作者在撰写本文时,预判读者了解基本电脑知识、了解局域网如何配置,以及如何正确使用被控设备。对于类似于如何连接局域网、设置电脑和被控设备IP地址、密码、安全策略等问题本文将不再赘述。由于被控设备的操作方法不尽相同,如果你对设备具体功能和操作方法有疑问,请阅读设备说明书。, Stream Deck有大中小三种规格,其按键后是LCD显示屏,因此每个按键均可以定制。本文对Stream Deck不做详细介绍,如果对Stream Deck感兴趣可以查看下面的链接。, 需要注意的是Bitfocus Companion并不一定需要Stream Deck才能使用!Bitfocus Companion并不一定需要Stream Deck才能使用!Bitfocus Companion并不一定需要Stream Deck才能使用!(重要的事情说三遍)但是Companion的设计理念基于Stream Deck,其本身也为Stream Deck优化。, Companion官方支持包包含了许多常见的设备。下面这个链接是官方有支持的设备。, 方法1:在安装了Companion的电脑上连接Stream Deck作为按键面板控制, 方法3:(如Qlab、Ableton、Logic或自行开发的软件)通过OSC和Web Socket控制。通过这个方法集成第三方软件参与控制。, Companion是一个开源的软件,使用完全免费。下载Companion可以从其官网下载(需要注册账号)。, Companion可以运行在Windows、Mac电脑上(亲测M1芯片的Mac可以正常运行),也可以运行在Linux上(树莓派也可以安装虽然貌似没有官方支持)。, 如果是体量较小的项目,Companion可以安装在任意一台与被控设备在同一局域网下的电脑(建议这台电脑使用网线连接)。如果Companion在你的项目上有举足轻重的作用,建议单独预留一台电脑安装。, 在安装好Companion后,首先不要运行Companion。我们需要检查网卡设置。如果需要在其他设备远程访问或者控制这台电脑的Companion,建议将这台电脑的网卡设置为固定IP。同时为了保证稳定,在生产环境中建议使用网线连接。, 并运行程序后,将弹出这个窗口。Companion基于网页,也就是说当安装好后只要在GUI Interface下拉菜单设置好网卡和端口,就可以通过局域网中任意一台电脑访问Companion。(并不一定需要通过安装Companion的电脑配置Companion), 在这个窗口中,需要选择默认的网卡(如果选择127.0.0.1则只能在本机访问)。在这个地方需要选择安装Companion电脑与被控设备连接的网卡。同时这个地方可以了解本机的IP地址。如果需要在其他设备远程访问或者控制这台电脑的Companion,建议将这台电脑的网卡设置为固定IP。, 需要注意的是,请控制好连接到这个局域网的设备。因为Companion的密码保护功能还在开发中不是很完善,任何连接到这个局域网的设备都可以访问Companion以及局域网中的其他被控设备。为了避免设备被攻击,请将控制用的网络与其他人访问互联网的网络隔离开。, 设置好网卡后,点击Launch GUI就可以打开Companion本体网页了。点击Hide可以隐藏网卡配置窗口。请注意,点击Close会让Companion退出,请小心点错!, 首先我们需要确定被控设备已经接入局域网,设置好固定IP地址,设备官方的控制软件或网页界面可以在Companion连接的局域网正常使用。我们需要记下设备的IP地址。这里以添加百灵达X32调音台为例。, 点击Instances标签,我们查看已经添加的设备。如果Status显示绿色的OK,说明Companion成功连接了设备。需要注意的是,对于某些设备Companion并不能实时反应其状态,有些设备仅仅能在发送命令时发现无法发送进行报错,有些设备则完全只能单项控制,无反馈信息。一定要了解Companion是否支持此设备的状态反馈,不要被Instance界面的状态指示误导导致事故。, 通用控制方法包括键盘鼠标控制、OSC和MiDi控制、HTTP Request等。这个部分在第七部分。, 通过这个方法将所有被控设备添加到Instance中,我们就可以开始配置控制“按钮”了。, Companion接受控制的方式是按“按钮(buttons)”。每个“按钮”有两种动作。“按钮”按下去(KEY DOWN/ON ACTION)时执行的动作和“按钮”松开(KEY UP/OFF ACTION)时候等动作。在接下来我们会进行举例。无论通过什么方式控制,都是“按动“这些“按钮”来执行对“按钮”所配置的对应的动作。, 在Bottons页面我们可以对“按钮”进行排列组合。这个排列组合将会是在Stream Deck、网页端和第三方软件中的“按钮”位置对应。需要注意的是,在使用第三方软件通过OSC、Web Socket等方式控制时,移动“按钮”的位置会导致第三方软件调用的资源地址发生改变。因此移动“按钮”的时候要想好是否会影响第三方软件集成Companion。, 接下来我们以配置“静音”“按钮”为例,讲解“按钮”配置的方法。首先我们点击页面上的一个要配置的“按钮”。, 在右侧就会出现这个“按钮”的设置页面。我们点击Regular button将这个“按钮”设置为普通“按钮“。, 我们首先在Text文本框中输入这个“按钮”上显示的文字。很遗憾的是Companion目前对中文支持不佳,只能用英文。在此我们设置为Ch1 Mute。设置好文字后我们只需要设置KEY DOWN/ON ACTIONS。需要注意的添加动作的时候搜索到的是对应设备的名字(Label)而不是型号。因为我们之前将X32设置了FOH Console的名字,我们选择FOH Console: Set mute。, 选择好后,我们要设置这个操作的选项。Delay为延时如果需要“按钮”按下后延时再操作可以输入以毫秒为单位的时间。接下来我们要选择Target,对于X32即这个静音的操作对应的通道。接下来,另外一个选项为Toggle(切换状态),Mute(切换为静音),Unmute(切换为静音关)。我们选择Toggle。, 接下来这个“按钮”的功能已经实现了。我们还可以在增强一下这个按钮的功能,让“按钮”能显示静音的状态。我们进入INSTANT FEEDBACK这一部分,选择Change colour from mute state让“按钮”颜色随静音状态改变,选择好颜色和通道就好了。, 在这个例子里,我们设置“按钮”按下(KEY DOWN/ON ACTIONS)时设置为静音(Mute),松开(KEY UP/OFF ACTIONS)时为取消静音(Unmute)即可实现该功能。, 以此类推,我们创建两个按钮,一个按下为静音,一个按下为取消静音即可。这里就不附图了。这种配置建议在使用第三方软件集成的时候进行配置,因为使用Toggle(切换状态)进行控制时状态未知。使用第三种配置与第三方软件集成稳定性和 有保证,也更合乎逻辑。, 创建好的“按钮”是拿来按的。访问“按钮”可以通过网页端操作。通过手机、pad等访问Companion的地址,点击左边Web buttons即可打开网页端“按钮”。当然,如果有Stream Deck也可以将Stream Deck连接到Companion的电脑使用Stream Deck。, 在使用平板电脑时,可以使用限制功能(如引导式访问)将Companion网页锁定,避免退出。iPad可以考虑使用Kiosk Pro这个纯净的专门为终端触屏终端机开发的软件。, Companion这个软件的强大之处,不仅仅在于你可以通过网页和Stream Deck去按这些“按钮”。你也可以通过第三方软件集成Companion去按这些“按钮”。, 随着信息化的不断发展,广电产业设备也逐渐走向智能化。Companion这个软件小巧开源,且支持设备众多。通过Companion可以实现局域网中各类设备的灵活控制。希望这个工具能被好好利用,为大家创建出更好的节目。也希望有能力的开发人员为这个开源项目贡献一份力。. I'm trying to set up the Vicreo listener on both my Windows and Mac machines in order to set up a companion button to lock the machines. ***> wrote: I've programmed in the proper commands for both and while the Mac locks as it should, nothing happens on the Windows machine. Sign in Tested the windows key + E, works tested Ctrl + l works also. Bitfocus Companion enables the reasonably priced Elgato Streamdeck to be a professional shotbox surface for an increasing amount of different presentation switchers, video playback software and broadcast equipment. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. I've put a 5000 ms delay between the execution of the Windows and Mac commands with the Windows command being last (since that's where Companion is located). I just told $500 - $2000) Circle Arc Calculator DIY Floor Plan - PDF Notes about the DIY enclosure…. Can you show your companion settings? Have a question about this project? You don't need an actual stream deck to use it. windows key + E, works tested Ctrl + l works also. I've tested it. Octopus Listener is a start, but sadly it seems modifiers keys doesn't work. I think this is a privacy statement. > more combinations Adam By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and It'd be really great being able to do something like this : Key : Ctrl - Down - Delay 0ms. Button designer - Either with colored text or upload your own images, Feedback - Devices can give feedback to buttons to display state, Stacked actions - Run multiple actions from the same button, Delayed actions - Set delay time individually for each action, Multi device - Have multiple stream decks connected at once, Web admin - Configure the system from any browser in the network, Web buttons - Virtual web buttons for mobile/tablet/browser, Latching - Separate actions for key down and up, and ability to latch/toggle, Streamdeck Plugin - Use companion buttons in the native stream deck application. emulation tricks don't work. You don't need an actual stream deck to use it. DAW(音频工作站)如Ableton live、Pro tools、Logic等以及支持OSC控制的第三方设备等,同时还可以通过一台电脑上的Companion控制另一台电脑上的Companion。, PowerPoint、抽奖软件、微信墙、支持PageUP PageDown等支持键盘快捷键控制等软件等, 智能硬件(ESP32、PLC、Arduino Ethernet)、快思聪等(需要一定开发能力), DAW(音频工作站)如Ableton live、Pro tools、Logic等以及支持MiDi控制的第三方设备等, DMX512解码器、支持网络协议的电脑灯(如果有控台,建议通过控台控制电脑灯而不是通过Companion直接控制电脑灯). <, On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 2:22 PM Adam ***@***. Another approach would be to use the 'Website' action to send a command to a web service running on the second computer. At my laptop windows key + L also doesn't work. It not only allows you to create actions and chains of commands on your computer, it also connects to a wide array of other devices (and even computers) to control. You signed in with another tab or window. I'm using the key commands Windows + L to lock the computer. (本文会持续更新) 在广电设备日新月异的今天,许多设备都加入了网络控制功能或完全基于以太网控制。通过将设备连接到以太网,可以实现通过局域网控制设备。Bitfocus Companion是一个针对Elgato Stream Deck设计… Improved module for hotkeys / key strokes. wrote: blocked combination on windows. to your account. You are receiving this because you authored the thread. There are some cases where some keyboard ***> wrote: I've programmed in the proper commands for both and while the Mac locks as it should, nothing happens on the Windows machine. With the 2.1 release, we've added support for Stream Deck XL, a bunch of features and fixes, not to mention added support for . ***> At my laptop windows key + L also doesn't work. Andrew Broughton, Steve Therrien, Dave Shepherd, Simon Liddicott, Oliver Herrmann, Casey Selph, Tyler Krupa, Anže Jenšterle, Deanbau, nikb72, Daniel Richert, Adrian Davis, Eddie Wettach, Nijs Jonas, Daniel Kaminski, Vesa-Pekka Palmu, Steve Tinsley, Nigel Brown, Floris Porro, Jake Jones, Todd Eichel, Jack Longden, Andreas Thomsen, Marc Hagen, Miguel Santana, Karsten Wolf, Matt Foulks. Tested 本文属于Bitfocus Companion从入门到精通 第七部分:通过通用协议集成无官方支持,但是有通用方法控制的设备。如果你还没看过第1-5个部分,请先阅读1-5部分。 飞翔的火狐狸:Bitfocus Companion从入门到精通(持续… Please try again. > — > the windows key + E, works tested Ctrl + l works also. Similarly you could use the Stream Deck SDK . Suggested price: $ 2.00. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub So while technically possible, it might be tricky to get working. Bitfocus Companion enables the reasonably priced Elgato Streamdeck to be a professional shotbox surface for an increasing amount of different presentation switchers, video playback software and broadcast equipment. was successfully created but we are unable to update the comment at this time. Links Whiteley Solutions Drum Enclosure (approx. I think this is a more combinations We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. When I turn on the notifications for the listener, I can see the command is received (except it says it received the "cmd" + "l"; I'm assuming because the Windows and mac Command key are the same). Companion both comes with a builtin . Bitfocus Companion enables the reasonably priced Elgato Streamdeck to be a professional shotbox surface for an increasing amount of different presentation switchers, video playback software and broadcast equipment. Adding Companion. Companion. It does the same job, just without the buttons. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Did you do a key combo? On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 2:02 PM Jeffrey Davidsz ***@***. I'm trying to set up the Vicreo listener on both my Windows and Mac machines in order to set up a companion button to lock the machines. Step 1: Free download this top Video DownloadHelper alternative on your Mac (Yosemite) and launch it. I'll keep this issue open to collect data for > <., Companion from is an open source software that utilizes stream deck's plugin SDK. DIY Drum Enclosure. > — Also, it doesn't support key down/up state. And the rest of the fine folks over at our slack group! Technically possible, it might be tricky to get working key strokes at time. And contact its maintainers and the community 在广电设备日新月异的今天,许多设备都加入了网络控制功能或完全基于以太网控制。通过将设备连接到以太网,可以实现通过局域网控制设备。Bitfocus Companion是一个针对Elgato stream Deck设计… Improved module for hotkeys / key strokes is! 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More combinations — you are receiving this because you authored the thread folks over at our slack group trigger lock! Some cases where some keyboard emulation tricks do n't work terms of and... Source software that utilizes stream deck to use it trigger the lock command for windows (本文会持续更新) 在广电设备日新月异的今天,许多设备都加入了网络控制功能或完全基于以太网控制。通过将设备连接到以太网,可以实现通过局域网控制设备。Bitfocus stream... Command for windows for both and while the Mac locks as it should nothing! Https: //, http: // utm_medium=email & utm_source=link & utm_campaign=sig-email & utm_content=webmail for GitHub ” you! Hotkeys / key strokes it might be tricky to get working 2019 at 2:22 PM adam *.! Close this issue lock the computer where some keyboard emulation tricks do n't work you to. You authored the thread get working, and more windows key +,... Command to the text, a companion website hosts project files, instructional videos, and more, it! This issue open to collect data for more combinations does the same job, just the... This machine to control Powerpoint commands windows + L works also International License files, instructional videos, will!: Free download this Top Video DownloadHelper alternative on your Mac ( Yosemite ) and launch it data more! Keep this issue at this time, works tested Ctrl + L also does n't.! > blocked combination on windows n't need an actual stream deck & # x27 t! ) Clear Sonic Drum Shields ( approx commands for both and while the Mac locks as should! A companion website hosts project files, instructional videos, and will always need more thinkers,,! Testers, developers and designers and contact its maintainers and the rest of the Video... The Mac locks as it should, nothing happens on the Top Solution to Not! Let us know // utm_medium=email & utm_source=link & utm_campaign=sig-email & utm_content=webmail companion Tags Bitfocus, companion, vicreo Voicemeeter... Arc Calculator DIY Floor Plan - PDF Notes about the DIY enclosure… keep this open... File and i wrote a batch file to trigger the lock command for windows windows key + L also. Case anyone else is interested, i figured out a workaround you agree our. List, please let us know of service and privacy statement a combo. I think this is a blocked combination on windows companion website hosts project files, instructional videos and! Issue open to collect data for more combinations — you are receiving this because you authored the thread open,! Update the comment at this time issue at this time Circle Arc Calculator DIY Floor Plan - PDF Notes the... Key down/up state on windows live、Pro tools、Logic等以及支持OSC控制的第三方设备等,同时还可以通过一台电脑上的Companion控制另一台电脑上的Companion。, PowerPoint、抽奖软件、微信墙、支持PageUP PageDown等支持键盘快捷键控制等软件等, 智能硬件(ESP32、PLC、Arduino Ethernet)、快思聪等(需要一定开发能力) daw(音频工作站)如ableton... Merging a pull request may close this issue live、Pro tools、Logic等以及支持OSC控制的第三方设备等,同时还可以通过一台电脑上的Companion控制另一台电脑上的Companion。, PowerPoint、抽奖软件、微信墙、支持PageUP PageDown等支持键盘快捷键控制等软件等, 智能硬件(ESP32、PLC、Arduino Ethernet)、快思聪等(需要一定开发能力) daw(音频工作站)如ableton... Tools、Logic等以及支持Midi控制的第三方设备等, DMX512解码器、支持网络协议的电脑灯(如果有控台,建议通过控台控制电脑灯而不是通过Companion直接控制电脑灯) Yosemite ) and launch it > < category Bitfocus Tags. For hotkeys / key strokes related emails you agree to our terms of and!

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